It is important to treat your nail fungus as quickly as possible as it may cause permanent damage to the nail. The deformities could be in the form of ridges in the nail as it grows out or a bend in the middle of the nail that is not going away.
If you have a suppressed immune system due to medications, diabetes or other conditions such as, AIDS, leukemia or have had an organ transplant, you are at more serious risk for an infection that can spread beyond your toe nails.
A person with diabetes can have issues with their blood circulation and nerve supply to their feet. They are also at greater risk for getting a bacterial skin infection called cellulitis. With diabetes any minor injury to the feet or a fungal infection, can be serious and potentially lead to major health issues and extensive medical treatment. If you suspect a fungal infection, please come to see us, the laser treatment is new effective way to treat nail fungus.